Thursday, September 09, 2010


Tell me crazy!!! but really i got crazy with this song. I can't wait for Ramadan to end hehehe (good it ended today - Eid Al Fitr Habibi, Habibte!)....we girls plan to go for a ladies night out after Eid and i can't wait to see them go grazy when this song is played just like what's happening at home everytime it is played.

Comme te po'
Comme te po'

Comme te po' capì chi te vò bene
Si tu le parle 'mmiezzo americano?
Quando se fa l'ammore sotto 'a luna
Come te vene 'capa e di: "I love you!?"

Pa pa l' americano
Pa pa l' americano
Pa pa l' americano

Fa l' americano!

Pa pa l' americano
Fa fa l' americano

Whisky soda e rockenroll
Whisky soda e rockenroll
Whisky soda e rockenroll

I should suppose share this for Music Monday Meme but since it's only Thursday today i'd better share it for Music Thursday (I as the Author hahahaha)

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