Thursday, February 26, 2009


"Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return"

I went to Sainty Mary's Church yesterday to attend the Ash Wednesday Mass at 6pm. The Priest, Fr. Zaki, told us in his homily that Ash Wednesday is the day of repentance and it marks the beginning of Lent. That when ashes are emposed on our foreheads we accept to repent for all our sins through prayer, fasting and alms giving. He said that fasting doesn't only mean that you have to skip one meal a day..... stop gossiping, stop womanizing.....can also be a form of fasting. The 3 pillars of Lent can be done in any form and he said that when you pray, Ask God to give you the grace of forgiveness and healing, also pray for all those who have caused you so much pain.

Okay, thousands of people attended the mass....would that be the same number of person expressing sorrow for sins and faults and willing to change their life? Well, if there's one prayer i had last night, that was "God give me the grace of forgiveness and healing" How many Lenten Season had passed but still my feelings towards my inlaws was the same. I know i prayed a lot to give me the serenity to accept who they are and forgive them for whatever they have done on me.....but nothing had happened. As the days had passed (that was 3 years almost) the more hatred and anger i felt on them. I don't know, i think need to pray more and do sacrifices.
Promise it's really hard to be good when you're attacked with evil forces. But now i hope and pray that i would be able to let go...and forget the thought of seeing them suffer more than i did.

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